"Maze's first single from Crealitation, The Musical, ‘Freedom Song,’ is somewhere between Tracy Chapman, Jackson Browne, and Bon Iver; an uplifting anthem that bobs and brims with reawakened innocence and infectious optimism."
- Peter Aaron, Music Editor at Chronogram Magazine
“Artists who stand as such singular declarations of a cohesive, clear-eyed artistic vision are rare,”
- Slant Magazine
"Freedom Song... is a modern day plea to the best in all of us...it starts as a quiet mandolin prayer then swells into a full scale technicolor singalong!"
-Paul Higgins, DJ for WKZE 98.1 FM
Join Cassidy A. Maze (World’s Leading Authority On Lizzie West) in discovering “What Happened to Lizzie West?”; the tragic truth about much of the music industry, a woman’s journey from trauma to healing, and her victorious comeback to her work.
Cassidy A. Maze is an American author, singer/songwriter, community organizer, producer, and character actress whose underground career spans three decades. In a past life she emerged as alt country/folk artist Lizzie West, and now she returns as “The World’s Leading Authority on Lizzie West” and creator of “The Flying Human Series.” Maze uses her website as a personal online journal to share the truth about her experience in the music business, why she left, and why she’s back to share her 3 large vaults of original content over the next three years. Her mission remains steadfast - empowering artists to create their own reality and make their dreams come true.
SALT OF THE EARTH - From The Archives - and Song Sequels To Another Lifetime - a collection of new and old songs curated by Maze starting Nov 2024 - ... answering the questions, "what would I tell my younger self? What do I need to tell my daughter right now?" Released November 4, 2024, credits and lyrics will be detailed, updated and published at the artist’s personal Band Camp over the next weeks and months. Maze is now in the first days of beginning her next phase of research - follow her 3 year process - excavating her archives, organizing content, naming album credits, releasing, managing and/ or handing off thirty years of back catalogs. The Salt of The Earth Collection pulls from 3 large vaults of Maze/West content from 1997-2027.
Underdog Mom Goes Back To Work After 20 Years Off The Road - Determined To Empower Herself And Her Students "To Fly" - Cassidy A. Maze Requests Your Attention, Feedback, Subscription, Downloads, Donations and/Or Pre-orders at www.cassidyamaze.com
Commercial Recording and Touring Artist Lizzie West returns to the music business under a new pen name and stage name - Cassidy A. Maze (World's Leading Authority On Lizzie West) and Creator of The Flying Human Series -
- she's been officially teaching students "to fly" - ie: create their reality, stay Independent and navigate the business of art - since 2007
Donations Earmarked For Cassidy A. Maze Projects - Can Be Made To The Artist's Gallery/Fiscal Sponsor, Greene County, Non-Profit
Cassidy A. Maze, or “Maze”, is the author of the musical fantasy series Crealitation (The Flying Human Series) and she appears as a character within it. Because of this, the name “Cassidy A. Maze” may refer to either the fictional character or the real person. She is also the world’s leading authority on American singer/songwriter - Lizzie West.
From 1997-2008, Maze performed as actress and recording artist Lizzie West. Releasing two albums with Warner Bros. Records and one with Appleseed Records, her songs were featured in multiple films, TV and on the radio throughout the world. She also made a, homespun, concert film about her personal journey to find, poet and singer-songwriter, Leonard Cohen. Though Cohen quickly became West’s mentor and makes an endearing cameo in the film, the footage was never released. Distribution options ate currently being developed while the artist continues curating her content vaults with her fans and sharing with them through of her private blog, “What Happened To Lizzie West?”
Owner and creative director of Camp Now (Artist and Community Development Since 2012), Cassidy publishes offline, collectible works relating to her, all original, musical fantasy series that teaches The Art of Creating Reality - Crealitation (The Flying Human Series). In addition, Maze is a community organizer working to develop in person distribution networks for independent artists in the Catskills and beyond.